jueves, 31 de agosto de 2017

Personal Opinions

What is your opinion about  climate change?
I think that "climate change" is a real problem right now, maybe this not affect us today immediately, but the change in the earth we can watch is clear. If all of us cooperate isn't to late to make a good change for the planet and the future generation.

What is your opinion about “barras bravas”?
I'm in disagree with this, I think that tipe of "barras" make damage to the sport and avoid that the family's go to the stadium. They generate hate between the people and this create a bad ambient for the sport. More than encourage his player to win, they destroy 

What is your opinion about legalization of abortion in the 3 cases?
I'm agree with the abortion in the 3 cases. First, every woman is free to make a choice about her own body, also I think this permit to help women to get a better life when they pass over to a traumatic event like violation, or save her life when the pregnancy get complicated and put at risk her life.

What is your opinion about recycling?
I think that recycling is a idea or a thought who every person have to acquire, is a good start and a good form to contribute with the climate change, also this help to create a good ambient for everybody. 

What is your opinion about legalizing marijuana and other drugs?
I'm agree with the legalizing of marijuana, I don't know wich other drugs refer the question, but I think that everybody is free to make a choice about what consume while not affect to the other people, drugs like alcohol and cigarettes are legal and equal or more harmful that marijuana.  

10 comentarios:

  1. I desagree with legalize the mariajuana <3

  2. I agree with you about "barras bravas". I heard people said is dangerous to go to the stadium with his family

  3. i dont know "barras bravas " are funny,who dont want see some monkeys fight

  4. Hi dude, "barras bravas" are a cancer in the society

  5. i desagree with you in marijuana legalization if is not something medicinal

  6. i agree with your opinion about barras bravas

  7. Hi guy I really agree with your opinion about the barras bravas, they only are people that ruin the enjoy of see a match.

  8. I think that the climate change affect today
