jueves, 26 de octubre de 2017

Pink Floyd

Pink Floyd is a British Band of  Rock formed in London in 1964, their member was changed with the years because fights (Roger Waters and David Guilmour) and the death of some members (Syd Barret).

First the band play psychedelic rock when the singer and leader of the band was Syd Barret, with the pass of the time the band evolve to the Progress Rock.

The most I like about this band is the type of music they play, this kind of music help me to relax. Also one of the best thing of the group is the Albums, the Albums are conceptual, they base on a theme and all the album is based on this concept, like "The Wall", this album is also a movie.

How the albums are conceptual, is difficult to me choice one song, because many of them complement each other, but my favorite album is "The Dark Side of the Moon", every song of this album is a master piece, if i have to choice one song of this album will be "Breathe".

Resultado de imagen para pink floyd

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