jueves, 26 de octubre de 2017

Pink Floyd

Pink Floyd is a British Band of  Rock formed in London in 1964, their member was changed with the years because fights (Roger Waters and David Guilmour) and the death of some members (Syd Barret).

First the band play psychedelic rock when the singer and leader of the band was Syd Barret, with the pass of the time the band evolve to the Progress Rock.

The most I like about this band is the type of music they play, this kind of music help me to relax. Also one of the best thing of the group is the Albums, the Albums are conceptual, they base on a theme and all the album is based on this concept, like "The Wall", this album is also a movie.

How the albums are conceptual, is difficult to me choice one song, because many of them complement each other, but my favorite album is "The Dark Side of the Moon", every song of this album is a master piece, if i have to choice one song of this album will be "Breathe".

Resultado de imagen para pink floyd

jueves, 12 de octubre de 2017

A Country I would like to visit


Resultado de imagen para bota italiaOne of my favourite countries of all the word is Italy, I like very much their culture and have very differents places to visit. Also my last name is original of this country because my great-grand-father arrive to Chile from Italy, so I have a distant family over there who is in contact with part of my family here in Chile. I like that in the past the Roman Empire's was conquer a big part of the world, they innovate and grow in a lot of thing that help to the world to avance. Its call my attention that all this empire was reduce to a "little" country with boot form.

Resultado de imagen para colosseum
Resultado de imagen para gondola

If I go there some day, the first thing I will do is visit the 
roman colloseum, I like very much his history either his achitecture. The second thing is eat a pizza or anyone kind of pasta in the first place I see. After that I like to visit differents citys of this country, for example, I want to visit Milan to see  the "San Siro" the stadium of the AC Milan, one of my favorytes football teams. Also I want to visit Venice and sail in a gondola. Finally visit my distant family at the south of the country in Recco.

I would enjoy very much study or live in Italy, but not for all my life. I like to live there for 5 years to learn about this culture and for the experience that mean live in another country.

CA 1

Resultado de imagen para bearded collie Activity 1.- Go to PETS 101> Dog Breed Selector  > Find your Perfect Breed.

1.1 Respond to the 10 questions in this section. According to your results, what is your favorite dog breed's name?Bearder Collie

1.2 Vocabulary Activity: These words appear in the dog breed questionnaire. Look for the meanings AND add 5 more words that you don't know from the same questionnaire.

example: sprinter: (a dog) that can run very fast in short distances (velocista)
jogger: a dog that can walk to a normal velocity (trotador)
breed: take care of a dog along his life (criar)
to hunt: a dog who can go to search the prey (cazador)
watchdog: a dog that can protect (perro guardian)
grooming: take care of the necessitys of the dog (cuidado)
1.Litle no none: close to nothing. (cercano a nada)
2.Couch potato: A dog that is very lazy (perro vago)
3.Fairly trainable: a dog that can teach skills (Domable)
4. Laid-back: a calm down personality (actitud calmada)
5.Live among: a dog that can live whit other animals (vivir entre)
> Activity 2.- Select 3 SHOWS that attract your attention. In two lines for each show, tell me why you want to watch these shows.

Show 1:Panda Republic: I want yo watch this show because I like very much the Pandas, and is interesting watch how a group of people help to grow the number of pandas and avoid their extinction.

Show 2:Mysterious wilds of India: One of the things I like of countries like India is the variety of kind of animals they have, and if the show exhibits histories about different kind of animals I want to see that.

Show 3:Dogs the untold story: The dog is one of my favourite animals, beacouse is the more domesticated and stay always on the human side. I like to watch histories about this animals and see their differents skills.

jueves, 28 de septiembre de 2017

My favorite Object

My Piano

I started in piano class at 13 years old. In the first moment I don`t liked very much, I bored because this needed to practique almost every day and I had to practique in a keyboard, but with the proceed of the time I begin to liked very much.

One and a half year to started the class my parents gifted to my birthday my piano and I don't believed. I went to class piano one more year after that because the piano teacher renounce.

In this time I learn to play classic music, this musics help me to learn concentration  and persistence. I like very much play the piano because this relax me, is a moment when I'm concentrate and all around disappear.

My Piano is in my home, and how I i'm living in Santiago now, I can't play too much but every time I travel to my home I play a little while. Now I don't play only classic music like when I was a child, today I like to play rock music like radiohead, artic monkeys, soda stereo and other bands like the lumineers.

jueves, 31 de agosto de 2017

Personal Opinions

What is your opinion about  climate change?
I think that "climate change" is a real problem right now, maybe this not affect us today immediately, but the change in the earth we can watch is clear. If all of us cooperate isn't to late to make a good change for the planet and the future generation.

What is your opinion about “barras bravas”?
I'm in disagree with this, I think that tipe of "barras" make damage to the sport and avoid that the family's go to the stadium. They generate hate between the people and this create a bad ambient for the sport. More than encourage his player to win, they destroy 

What is your opinion about legalization of abortion in the 3 cases?
I'm agree with the abortion in the 3 cases. First, every woman is free to make a choice about her own body, also I think this permit to help women to get a better life when they pass over to a traumatic event like violation, or save her life when the pregnancy get complicated and put at risk her life.

What is your opinion about recycling?
I think that recycling is a idea or a thought who every person have to acquire, is a good start and a good form to contribute with the climate change, also this help to create a good ambient for everybody. 

What is your opinion about legalizing marijuana and other drugs?
I'm agree with the legalizing of marijuana, I don't know wich other drugs refer the question, but I think that everybody is free to make a choice about what consume while not affect to the other people, drugs like alcohol and cigarettes are legal and equal or more harmful that marijuana.  

jueves, 17 de agosto de 2017


Hi i'm Joaquín Pozzo Fuentes, I was born on 10th of june in Cauquenes, Chile. I studied in Liceo Inmaculada Concepción where I completed the high school. Later I studied odontology in the university of talca for three years and then I changed to Medicina Veterinaria in FAVET in the year 2017 (one of my dreams when I was a child).

In my home in Cauquenes I live with my parents, my mother's parents and my two dogs (who I love so much), but in santiago I live with uncles and cousins in providencia. We are a very united family, we spend a lot of time together.

I like  rock music very much but I listen to a variety of music styles. I play piano and guitar in my free time but I have never been in a band :(. Also in my free time I like to watch series, play videogames, play with my dogs and go out with my friends.